Title: Eurospeech '97 Proceedings
Subtitle: ESCA 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology
Volumes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Editors: G. Kokkinakis, N. Fakotakis, E. Dermatas
ISSN: 1018-4074
Additional copies may be ordered from:
ESCA - European Speech Communication Association
ICP, Universite Stendhal,
BP 25X, 38040 GRENOBLE Cedex 9, FRANCE
Tel: (+33).
Fax: (+33).
Cover Design: Artemis Kokkinaki-Papapetrou
Edited at: WCL, University of Patras, Greece
Printed by: TYPOFFSET, K. Manouri-Stanidi, Patras, Greece
Professor Dr. Louis C. W. Pols
ESCA President
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
of Eurospeech '97, I am glad to welcome you to this biennial event of the
European Speech Communication Association (ESCA) and to the beautiful Greek
island of Rhodes.
Ancient Greeks used to challenge
everybody who boasted to be able to perform an exceptional achievement
by saying "éäïý ç Ñüäïò, éäïý êáé ôï ðÞäçìá", which means literally "Here
is Rhodes, here you jump", or metaphorically "Prove right now what you
pretend to be". This utterance which apparently originated when a boaster
claimed that if he were in Rhodes he could make an enormous jump, acquires
a special meaning for our conference. As scientists and engineers working
in one of the most challenging areas of research and technology, that of
man-machine communication by voice, we have to prove that we are able to
carry out this endeavour successfully. Eurospeech on the other hand has
to prove that it makes substantial progress from event to event so that
it is able to efficiently promote the work of its audience in a steadily
improving way.
Well, established in 1989 in Paris,
Eurospeech enjoyed a spectacular increase in submitted papers and attendees
at the events that followed in Genoa (1991), Berlin (1993) and Madrid (1995).
This year the number of proposed papers surpassed every expectation jumping
from 807 in Madrid to 1076 and that of papers accommodated in the program
from 535 to 717. The number of participants is expected to approach 1,100
from 840, an impressive "jump" indeed. I would like to thank all the researchers
around the world who submitted their contribution to Eurospeech '97 and
the members of the international scientific committee who performed the
enormous task of reviewing them in a very short time.
The technical program includes a
large spectrum of novel contributions by authors from 49 countries, arranged
in 44 oral and 22 poster sessions. Four oral and two poster sessions will
run in parallel. Included in the above are two special sessions: One on
"Education for Language and Speech Communication" organized by Gerrit
Bloothooft and another on "Robust Speech Recognition: Review and Perspectives"
organized by Jean-Claude Junqua. In addition, there will be five plenary
sessions in which seven distinguished scientists will give keynote speeches:
On Monday afternoon, just after the opening ceremony, Mario Rossi will
speak on "Is Syntactic Structure Prosodically Recoverable?". On
Tuesday and Wednesday morning, Victor Zue and Jan van Santen will speak
on "Conversational Interfaces: Advances and Challenges" and "Prosodic
Modelling in Text-to-Speech Synthesis", correspondingly. On Thursday
morning in a plenary session on: "Robust Speech Recognition: Review
and Perspectives", Jean-Claude Junqua will speak on "Impact of the
Unknown Communication Channel on Automatic Speech Recognition: A Review",
Jerome Bellegarda on "Statistical Techniques for Robust ASR:
Review and Perspectives" and Richard Lippmann on "Using Missing
Feature Theory to Actively Select Features for Robust Speech Recognition
with Interruptions, Filtering and Noise". Finally, at the closing ceremony
on Thursday afternoon, Wolfgang Hess will give a review speech entitled:
"Perspectives of Speech Technology Research Highlighted in Eurospeech
As in previous Eurospeech conferences
an accompanying industrial and scientific exhibition of pro-ducts, books,
services and scientific results shown by known firms and institutes, will
run from Monday after-noon to Thursday afternoon. A novelty this year is
the group presentation of EU-supported projects organized by the EU-project
LINGLINK: Promotion and Support for the Application of Language Engineering
in Europe. Last but not least, six workshops just before and after the
conference including the traditional EU speech projects day, will provide
valuable information on recent developments in specific areas.
We are proud that Eurospeech '97
features a series of innovations and additional offerings to the delegates
included in the registration fees which have been kept to similar levels
to those in the recent past.
CD-ROM proceedings including the
papers and audio files in addition to the usual hard copies which have
increased to five volumes.
Mailing of the hard-copy proceedings
well before the conference.
A hard-copy program including the
paper abstracts in addition to the pocket program.
A bus service from Rhodes Airport
to the venue and back to the airport on the day before and after the conference.
A half-day excursion to the famous
archeological site and the village of Lindos.
Three lunches at Rodos Palace Hotel.
An ESCA membership of one year for
non-ESCA members.
Twenty grants to students and young
scientists in addition to those offered by ESCA.
A contest for the best student papers
and a competition between man-machine dialogue systems over the telephone
network named "Olympics" and organized by ELSNET/ ELRA.
Apart from the already mentioned
excursion to Lindos, other outstanding events of the conference are the
opening ceremony, the welcome reception, the banquet and the closing ceremony.
In the opening ceremony the Minister of Development Mrs Vasso Papandreou
and the Minister of the Aegean, Mrs Elizabeth Papazoi, who have taken Eurospeech
'97 under the auspices of their ministries, and the Mayor of Rhodes Mr
George Giannopoulos have been invited to give addresses. Furthermore, a
multivision show: "The Dodecanese: A journey in space and time"
will be presented by the author Mr Nikos Kasseris and the ESCA medal will
be awarded to Mario Rossi by the ESCA president Louis Pols.
The welcome reception will be held
by the Mayor of Rhodes at the magnificent Palace of the Grand Masters,
the residence of the supreme commanders of the Knights of Saint John's
order, who ruled in Rhodes from 1309 to 1522 AD.
The banquet will take place in the
Gardens of the Rodos Palace Hotel by the swimming pool organized as a Greek
night and will include Greek specialities and wine, barbecue and an orchestra
that will play modern and folk music. The highlight of the night will be
the ballet performance by the "Nafsika Dance Theatre" consisting
of dance pieces from the well known films "Zorba the Greek" and "Never
on a Sunday" choreographed by Sofia Smailou.
In the closing ceremony, apart from
Wolfgang Hess's review speech and the usual farewell addresses, the awards
will be handed to the winners of the ELSNET/ELRA Olympics.
I would like to thank all the members
of the organizing committee, especially the secretary Nikos Fakotakis and
Evangelos Dermatas, the personnel and the graduate students of WCL, especially
Kyriakos Sgarbas, Dimitris Galanis, Despina Krana, Panagiota Bobolas, Sofia
Antonakopoulou and Jeanette Smith, the commercial organizer CPR and its
director Loukia Simonoviki, the ESCA board and especially its president
Louis Pols, who has assisted us in every step, for their tireless efforts
to bring this conference to a successful end. Without them, Eurospeech
'97 would not have materialized. Furthermore, I would like to extend my
best thanks to the many sponsors and supporters of Eurospeech '97:
The University of Patras and WCL
in particular
The European Commission
The Ministries of Development, Culture,
Education and the Aegean
The City of Rodos
The Hellenic Telecommunications
Organization (OTE)
We feel that Eurospeech '97 in Rhodes
will be a memorable event and we look forward to sharing it with you.
Professor George Kokkinakis
General Chairman
General Chairman
George Kokkinakis (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 991 722
E-mail: gkokkin@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
George Carayannis (ILSP)
Tel.: + 30 1 671 2250
E-mail: gcara@ilsp.gr
Nikos Fakotakis (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 997 336
E-mail: fakotaki@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Scientific Program
George Kokkinakis (WCL)
+ 30 61 991 722
E-mail: gkokkin@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Nikos Fakotakis (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 997 336
E-mail: fakotaki@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Evangelos Dermatas (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 991 722
E-mail: dermatas@george.wcl2.ee.upatras.gr
Michael Logothetis (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 996 166
E-mail: m-logo@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Kyriakos Sgarbas (WCL)
Tel.: +30 61 991 722
E-mail: sgarbas@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Proceedings and CR-ROM (Electronic processing)
Evangelos Dermatas (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 991 722
E-mail: dermatas@george.wcl2.ee.upatras.gr
George Nokas (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 991 722
E-mail: nokas@george.wcl2.ee.upatras.gr
Thanasis Koutras (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 991 722
E-mail: koutras@george.wcl2.ee.upatras.gr
Ioanna Christogianni (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 991 722
E-mail: ioanna@george.wcl2.ee.upatras.gr
Panagiota Bobolas (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 997 303
E-mail: bobola@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Despina Krana (WCL)
Tel.: +30 61 991 722
Email: krana@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Publicity/Hotel Accommodation
Sofia Antonakopoulou (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 991 722
E-mail: sofia@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Panagiota Bobolas (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 997 303
E-mail: bobola@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Social Activities
Vassilis Stylianakis (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 996 166
E-mail: stylian@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Audio Visual Equipment
John Mourjopoulos (WCL )
Tel: +30 61 997 336
E-mail: mourjop@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Oral Sessions
Stelios Bakamidis (ILSP)
Tel.: +30 1 671 2250
Vassilis Darsinos (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 991 722
E-mail: darsinos@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Poster Sessions
Dimitris Galanis (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 991 722
E-mail: galanis@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Gregory Steinhauer (ILSP)
Tel.: +30 1 671 2250
Dimitris Lymberopoulos (WCL)
Tel: +30 61 997 287
E-mail: dlympero@wcl.ee.upatras.gr
Margari Street 22
11525 Athens Greece
Tel.: +30 1 671 2250
+30 1 674 0898
Fax: +30 1 674 1262
Wire Communications Laboratory (WCL)
University of Patras
261 10 Rion, Patras, Greece
Tel.: + 30 61 991 722
Fax: + 30 61 991 855
B. Atal, AT&T Bell Lab., Murray Hill, NJ, USA
C. Benoit, ICP, Université Stendhal, Grenoble, France
R. Billi, CSELT, Torino, Italy
J. Blauert, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
L. Boves, Nijmegen University, The Netherlands
A. Bradley, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia
G. Carayannis, Technical University of Athens, Greece
P. Dalsgaard, University of Aalborg, Denmark
V. Digalakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
N. Fakotakis, WCL, University of Patras, Greece
K. Fellbaum, Techn. University of Cottbus, Germany
H. Fujisaki, Science University of Tokyo, Japan
S. Furui, NTT, Tokyo, Japan
B. Granström, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
M. Jack, University of Edinburgh, UK
F. Jelinek, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD, USA
G. Kokkinakis, WCL, University of Patras, Greece
Y. Kosarev, Russian Acad. of Scien. St Petersbg, Russia
J. Llisterri, Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
H. Mangold, Daimler Benz, Ulm, Germany
J. Mariani, LIMSI-CNSR, Orsay, France
R. Moore, RSRE-DRA, Malvern, UK
J. Mourjopoulos, WCL, University of Patras, Greece
H. Ney, RWTH, Aachen, Germany
J. Ohala, University of California, Berkeley, USA
D. O'Shaughnessy, INSR-Tel. Univ.of Quebec, Canada
J. Pardo, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
L. Pols, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
C. Sorin, CNET, Lannion, France
CPR Conferences-Public Relations 50, King George Sq. 26221 Patras, GREECE Tel: 30 61 270388, Fax: 30 61223 335 E-mail: cpr@pat.forthnet.gr |
Wire Communications Laboratory University of Patras 26110 Rion, Patras, GREECE Tel: 30 61 991722, Fax: 30 61 991855 E-mail: Eurospeech97@wcl.ee.upatras.gr |
The Eurospeech '97 Organizing Committee acknowledges with gratitude the sponsoring and support of the conference by the following authorities and firms:
The University of Patras, Greece
The European Commission
The Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE), Greece
The Ministry of Education, Greece
The Ministry of the Aegean, Greece
The City of Rodos, Greece
The Ministry of Culture, Greece
The Ministry of Development, Greece
(The General Secretariat of Science & Technology)
STAT SA, Greece
ANKO SA, Greece
ELSNET and ELRA have organized a contest for best student papers presented at Eurospeech '97. Out of 45 submitted papers, the jury, consisting of Isabel Trancoso (Lisbon), Roger Moore (Malvern), Niels Ole Bernsen (Odense), and Joseph Mariani (Orsay) have selected two winners while 11 other papers were awarded the qualification 'excellent student paper'. The two prizes consisted of a free trip to Eurospeech'97.
[best student paper]
Kenney Ng, Victor W. Zue
"Subword Unit Representations for Spoken Document Retrieval"
[best student paper with focus on language resources]
Philip Clarkson, Ronald Rosenfeld
"Statistical Language Modeling using the CMU-Cambridge Toolkit"
Michelle S. Spina, Victor W. Zue
"Automatic Transcription of General Audio Data: Effect of Environment Segmentation on Phonetic Recognition"
Michael K. McCandless, James R. Glass
"MUSE: A Scripting Language for the Development of Interactive Speech Analysis and Recognition Tools"
Wolfgang Minker
"Stochastically-Based Natural Language Understanding Across Tasks and Languages"
Jason Humphries, P.C. Woodland
"Using Accent-Specific Pronunciation Modelling for Improved Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition"
Rayman Lau, G. Flammia, C. Pao, V. Zue
"WEBGALAXY - Integrating Spoken Language and Hypertext Navigation"
Jim Huhunin, V.W. Zue
"On the Design of Effective Speech-Based Interfaces for Desktop Applications"
Marcel Riedi
"Modelling Segmental Duration with Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines"
Chao Wang, J. Glass, H. Meng, J. Polifroni, S. Seneff, V. Zue
"YINHE: A Mandarin Chinese Version of the GALAXY System"
Jacob Goldberger, D. Burshtein, H. Franco
"Segmental Modeling using a Continuous Mixture of Non-Parametric Models"
A.J. Rubio, P. Garcia, Angel de la Torre, J.C.Segura, J. Diaz-Verdejo, M.C. Benitez, V. Sanchez, A.M. Peinado, J.M. Lopez-Soler, J.L. Perez-Cordoba
"STACC: An Automatic Service for Information Access using Continuous Speech
Recognition Through Telephone Line"
Mike Lincoln, S. Cox, S. Ringland
"A Fast Method of Speaker Normalisation using Formant Estimation"
Registration |
8:30-9:30 |
Opening | ||||
George Kokkinakis, Eurospeech, Louis Pols, ESCA, |
Giovanni Battista Varile, EC |
9:30-9:40 | ||||
T1A:Keyword and Topic Spotting | TMA:Feature Estimation II , | |||
Roadmap of challenges and achievements | Pitch and Prosody | |||
in speech processing, with focus on the contribution | T1B:Robustness in Recognition | |||
of EU speech projects | And Signal Processing I | |||
Joseph Mariani, LIMSI-CNRS, Roger Moore, DRA,UK | T1C:Modelling of Prosody | TMB:Speech Synthesis Techniques | ||
9:40-11:00 | ||||
Coffee Break | T1D:Microphone Arrays for | |||
11:00-11:20 | Speech Enhancement | |||
Future EU activities in Language and Speech |
Giovanni Battista Varile, European Commission |
11:20-11:50 |
T2A:Multilingual Recognition | TMC:Technology for S&L Acquisition | |||
The role and contribution of the ELSNet, | Speech Processing Tools | |||
international cooperation,ELRA and EAGLES | T2B:Language Specific Speech | |||
Steven Krauwer, ELSNet, Khalid Choukri, ELRA, Roger Moore, EAGLES | Analysis | |||
11:50-12:20 | T2C:Feature Estimation I | TMD:Phonetics and Phonology | ||
Questions from the floor | T2D:Speech Coding I | |||
12:20-12:30 | ||||
T3A:Confidence Measures in ASR | TAA:Speech Analysis & Modelling | ||
T3B:Speaker and Language | ||||
Identification | ||||
T3C:Perception of Prosody | TAB:Robustness in Recognition | ||
and Signal Processing II | |||
T3D:Applications of Speech | ||||
Technology I | ||||
M4A:Acoustic Modelling I | MAA:Training Techniques, | T4A:Spontaneous Speech | TAC:Acoustic Modelling II | |
Efficient Decoding in ASR | Recognition | |||
M4B:Dynamic Articulatory | T4B:Language-Specific Segmental | |||
Measurements | Features | |||
M4C:Language Identification | MAB:Prosody | T4C:Speaker Recognition I | TAD:Speech Coding II | |
M4D:NNs for Speech and | T4D:Speech Synthesis:Linguistic | |||
Language Processing | Analysis | |||
W1A:Dialogue Systems:Applications | WMA:Speech Recognition in | Th1A:Speaker Adaptation I | ThMA:Front-Ends and Adaptation |
Adverse Environments, | to Acoustics,Speaker | ||
W1B:Speech Production Modelling | CSR and Error Analysis | Th1B:Dialogue Systems:Design | Adaptation |
and Applications | |||
W1C:Speaker Recognition II | WMB:Multimodal Speech | Th1C:Assessment Methods | ThMB:Speech Perception |
Processing,Emerging | |||
W1D:Speech Enhancement I | Techniques and Applications | Th1D:Education for Language and | |
Speech Communication | |||
W2A:Spoken Language | WMC:Databases, Tools and | Th2A:Hybrid Systems for ASR | ThMC:Dialogue Systems:Linguistic |
Understanding | Evaluations | Structures, Modelling | |
W2B:Language Model Adaptation | Th2B:Topic and Dialogue De- | and Evaluation | |
pendent Language Modelling | |||
W2C:Prosody and Speech Reco- | WMD:Applications of Speech | Th2C:Lipreading | ThMD:Speaker Recognition and |
gnition/Understanding | Technology | Language Identification | |
W2D:Wideband Speech Coding | Th2D:Articulatory Modelling | ||
Th3A:Style and Accent Recognition | ThAA:Noise Mitigation, | ||
Speech Enhancement II | |||
Th3B:Phonetics | |||
Th3C:Towards Robust ASR for Car | ThAB:F0 and Duration Modelling, | ||
and Telephone Applications | Spoken language processing | ||
Th3D:Language Specific Systems | |||
Th4A:Pronunciation Models | ThAC:Language Modelling | ||
Th4B:Auditory Modelling and | |||
Psychoacoustics | |||
Th4C:Voice Conversion and | ThAD:Auditory Modelling and | ||
Data Driven F0-Models | Psychoacoustics, | ||
Th4D:Vocal Tract Analysis | Neural Networks for Speech | ||
Processing and Recognition | |||